I came back with the duels but this time I gave space to the unknowns, especially the Asian and little-known ones to make it more interesting. Vote for your favorite and if you can't, send a private message with the one that you like most between these two, not being more than that with you

visit my posts:
" rel="nofollow" target="_blank">http://www.poringa.net/luix1981/posts

If you like it, share and comment, that's the best way to thank you
22 comentários - duelo de travas asiaticas
pero está muy bonitas te dejo +10
stefani gana el duelo lejos se la pongo toda exelente post
si tienen ideas, bienvenido sea
Senos = Stella
Piernas = Stefani
Pene = Empate, me gustan que la tengan tamaño "normal", aunque los penes pequeños me matan 🤤
Muy buen post! 👏 Espero el siguiente duelo.
Las piernas de la morocha me matan!