Hello friends porn boys! How are you? Well, after so much time I'm back with a new story, a little hotter than the previous ones, as always, doubling down on the bet with each new story! This one, although they may not believe it, just like the others is 100% real!!
Okay, I'm starting from the beginning.. A few days ago, I posted a topic on the community Gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, plurisexuales to organize a meeting at the Ciudad Universitaria bathrooms, but it never came to any agreement. This idea has been spinning in my head for several days now... It's that when I was still in school, I would often go to the bathroom trying to catch a glimpse of some cute friend but I never had the courage to do much more.. One day I got there early because I needed to buy some notes and just as I arrived, I was already peeing so I went quickly to the bathroom (no ulterior motives this time, I swear, I just needed to pee).. I did my thing and when I was finishing up, a boy, about 1.60 meters tall with dark hair, came in... I looked at him but there was zero hint of flirtation from either of us, so I zipped up my pants and left...
I finished doing all the paperwork and there were 20 minutes left before class started, so I decided to turn around and go into one of the bathrooms to see if I could bring some visual entertainment before studying haha
After a few minutes in the bathroom without anything interesting, the same guy who had seen me earlier walked in. We both understood that no man goes to the bathroom every 15 minutes. After some complicit glances, I got brave and signaled for him to come into the cubicles. Once there, I followed him
In that small space, he climbed onto the toilet, pulled out his erect cock and I didn't hesitate a second and did what I had been wanting to do for so long, suck a cock... It was quite well-endowed, 16-17 cm... Although it was one of those guys who kept their head covered with foreskin all the time, but that didn't stop me from enjoying it!
He sucked his cock for a good time, then I went up, we gave each other some kisses and he started sucking me off. I wasn't giving any more due to the excitement so I got out and started kissing him... He turned around leaving his ass in my face, I started kissing his cheeks but didn't dare suck his booty... The guy started getting down from the toilet, leaving his ass stuck to my cock, and he was applying pressure... squeezing my dick with his cheeks until it almost went in so I stopped. - Hold up, we're going crazy, do you want a cum? Said that, he turned around and I gave him a hand job until he finished there... I gave him a kiss on the mouth and left, while he waited to get out. When I was leaving the cubicle, a guy in a blue jacket entered the part of the toilets, I quickened my pace in case I saw we were both coming from the same place.
I couldn't believe what I had lived through, and I don't know why I went straight to the other bathroom, on the floor above. I was in the toilets thinking I couldn't believe what had happened when the blue-jacketed boy came in! I don't know if he suspected or it was pure coincidence, but just like before it can't be that a man goes to the bathroom so often if he's not looking for something else, so after two signs, I GOT INTO A BATHROOM WITH HIM TOO! I thought I was going crazy! But it didn't matter!Quick because I have to go, I said to his ear, he nodded and shaved his cock. He was physically much more attractive than the other boy and had a divine cock, with few hairs and circumcised... I gave him a blow job too, then I kissed him on the mouth and asked if he wanted to cum. It ended with a cumshot while we were giving each other a very passionate kiss, and I left.
I was about to explode because besides all the adrenaline and heat I hadn't finished so he sent me to another bathroom for the third time. Obviously I went without any expectations, not wanting anything, but it seems it was my lucky day...
A toilet next to mine had a very handsome guy with glasses on, who was giving me dirty looks from the start and I was doing the same to him... Another guy came in so we just stood there looking at each other. When the other guy left, he got into the toilet next to mine and I could see his cock in full view, it had a bigger cock than the other two, it was black, fat and hairy, beautiful...
Right then he grabbed my cock and I didn't hesitate to grab his, I was really hot so after three thrusts he finished there... I didn't care about anything, who might be watching us, because we weren't inside any room, we were in plain sight...
After he cummed I felt so embarrassed that I left, the dude probably thought I was a crappy premature one haha but didn't know everything I had been living... After that, I entered the classroom as if nothing had happened... Although obviously I arrived late.
Although it may seem incredible I swear to you that it is totally real and even I can't believe the luck I had that day.. Good friends poringueroos! I hope they haven't bored you and that you've enjoyed this story as much as I enjoy writing it and living it! I hope for comments, points and Private Messages from whoever wants! I send greetings to all and good wanks!
Okay, I'm starting from the beginning.. A few days ago, I posted a topic on the community Gays, bisexuals, transsexuals, plurisexuales to organize a meeting at the Ciudad Universitaria bathrooms, but it never came to any agreement. This idea has been spinning in my head for several days now... It's that when I was still in school, I would often go to the bathroom trying to catch a glimpse of some cute friend but I never had the courage to do much more.. One day I got there early because I needed to buy some notes and just as I arrived, I was already peeing so I went quickly to the bathroom (no ulterior motives this time, I swear, I just needed to pee).. I did my thing and when I was finishing up, a boy, about 1.60 meters tall with dark hair, came in... I looked at him but there was zero hint of flirtation from either of us, so I zipped up my pants and left...
I finished doing all the paperwork and there were 20 minutes left before class started, so I decided to turn around and go into one of the bathrooms to see if I could bring some visual entertainment before studying haha
After a few minutes in the bathroom without anything interesting, the same guy who had seen me earlier walked in. We both understood that no man goes to the bathroom every 15 minutes. After some complicit glances, I got brave and signaled for him to come into the cubicles. Once there, I followed him
In that small space, he climbed onto the toilet, pulled out his erect cock and I didn't hesitate a second and did what I had been wanting to do for so long, suck a cock... It was quite well-endowed, 16-17 cm... Although it was one of those guys who kept their head covered with foreskin all the time, but that didn't stop me from enjoying it!
He sucked his cock for a good time, then I went up, we gave each other some kisses and he started sucking me off. I wasn't giving any more due to the excitement so I got out and started kissing him... He turned around leaving his ass in my face, I started kissing his cheeks but didn't dare suck his booty... The guy started getting down from the toilet, leaving his ass stuck to my cock, and he was applying pressure... squeezing my dick with his cheeks until it almost went in so I stopped. - Hold up, we're going crazy, do you want a cum? Said that, he turned around and I gave him a hand job until he finished there... I gave him a kiss on the mouth and left, while he waited to get out. When I was leaving the cubicle, a guy in a blue jacket entered the part of the toilets, I quickened my pace in case I saw we were both coming from the same place.
I couldn't believe what I had lived through, and I don't know why I went straight to the other bathroom, on the floor above. I was in the toilets thinking I couldn't believe what had happened when the blue-jacketed boy came in! I don't know if he suspected or it was pure coincidence, but just like before it can't be that a man goes to the bathroom so often if he's not looking for something else, so after two signs, I GOT INTO A BATHROOM WITH HIM TOO! I thought I was going crazy! But it didn't matter!Quick because I have to go, I said to his ear, he nodded and shaved his cock. He was physically much more attractive than the other boy and had a divine cock, with few hairs and circumcised... I gave him a blow job too, then I kissed him on the mouth and asked if he wanted to cum. It ended with a cumshot while we were giving each other a very passionate kiss, and I left.
I was about to explode because besides all the adrenaline and heat I hadn't finished so he sent me to another bathroom for the third time. Obviously I went without any expectations, not wanting anything, but it seems it was my lucky day...
A toilet next to mine had a very handsome guy with glasses on, who was giving me dirty looks from the start and I was doing the same to him... Another guy came in so we just stood there looking at each other. When the other guy left, he got into the toilet next to mine and I could see his cock in full view, it had a bigger cock than the other two, it was black, fat and hairy, beautiful...
Right then he grabbed my cock and I didn't hesitate to grab his, I was really hot so after three thrusts he finished there... I didn't care about anything, who might be watching us, because we weren't inside any room, we were in plain sight...
After he cummed I felt so embarrassed that I left, the dude probably thought I was a crappy premature one haha but didn't know everything I had been living... After that, I entered the classroom as if nothing had happened... Although obviously I arrived late.
Although it may seem incredible I swear to you that it is totally real and even I can't believe the luck I had that day.. Good friends poringueroos! I hope they haven't bored you and that you've enjoyed this story as much as I enjoy writing it and living it! I hope for comments, points and Private Messages from whoever wants! I send greetings to all and good wanks!
Comentarios Destacados
será porque nunca se me dio!
Mucha suerte la tuya.. espero cruzarte un dia por ahi jajaj
6 comentários - En los baños de la facu!
Muchos se preguntan donde se ubica exactamente el sector de levantes gay de los bosques de Palermo y cuales son los mejores horarios para visitarlo. Para todos ellos va este post ya que conozco bastante bien el lugar:
La zona gay es la conocida como "Plaza Pakistan", una de las tantas plazas que conforman los bosques. Está ubicada detrás del hipódromo de Palermo, cruzando las vías. Al otro lado está delimitada por la Av. Figueroa Alcorta y comienza en el famoso puente colgante peatonal que cruza Av Dorrego y se extiende hacia el lado del Rosedal.
Básicamente hay dos zonas de levante muy cercanas entre si. La principal diferencia es que un sector es mas frecuentado durante la noche y el otro durante el día.
NOCHE: Durante la noche el trayecto es de a pie ya que se trata de una suerte de "sendero" contra el cerco de la vía, rodeado de una frondosa arboleda que da mucha privacidad y es un sector puramente de parque por lo que no hay calle para circular con auto aunque se puede dejar estacionado a muy pocos metros. Son aproximadamente 200 metros de recorrido donde se puede encontrar de todo, desde gente jóven hasta gente mas mayor, hay gays, heteros, curiosos, de todo un poco, algunos van a mirar, otros a masturbarse, algunos buscan sexo, otros dar o recibir sexo oral. Básicamente uno va caminando y se va cruzando con otros hombres en busca de lo mismo.
Para los que tienen poca experiencia o son algo tímidos y se preguntan como saber si el otro tiene onda o no, no se preocupen por eso, si alguien tiene ganas de algo se los hará saber.
DÍA: Durante el día la zona es mas tranquila pero también hay moviemiento. A diferencia de la noche el sector de levante gay está comprendido por el triángulo formado entre las calles Pinedo, Méndez y Figueroa Alcorta (a muy pocos metros del sector nocturno). Como esta zona del parque tiene calles, ahi el levante básicamente es de "auto a auto" o de "auto a peatón", se pueden ver autos estacionados con tipos solos a la espera de ver que surge o dando innumerables vueltas al parque, también hay muchos flacos corriendo, caminando, en bici o pasenado perros.
Con respecto a la seguridad les garantizo que de todas las veces que fui, tanto de día como de noche nunca tuve problemas pero todos sabemos que hoy en día cualquier lugar está expuesto a robos, por eso me parece importante "promocionar" esta zona, porque cuantos mas seamos los que la frecuentamos mas chances de conseguir algo va a haber para todos, mas "mercadería" para elegir y menos posibilidad de robos.
Como llegar:
En tren:
Ramal Retiro - Tigre:
Bajarse en estación Lisandro de La Torre ubicada en Olleros y Libertador, justo donde comienza el hipódromo de Palermo. Caminar unos 500 metros bordeando la vía y pasar las canchas de tenis por calle Agustín Mendez como indica el mapa.
Lisandro de La Torre es la primera estación partiendo desde Retiro.
Ramal Retiro - Mitre (Olivos) / Retiro - J. L. Suarez:
Bajarse en estación 3 de Febrero ubicada en Libertador y Dorrego justo frente al Club Hípico - Campo Argentino de Polo. Caminar por Dorrego unos 300 metros hasta Figueroa Alcorta, al llegar al puente peatonal colgante doblar a la izquierda contra el cerco de la vía.
3 de Febrero es la primera estación partiendo desde Retiro.
Subte Línea 😨
Se puede llegar en subte aunque hay que caminar algunas cuadras. La estación mas cercana es Palermo ubicada en Sta Fe y Juan B Justo. Desde ahi caminar 6 cuadras por Bullrich (continuación de Juan B Justo), cruzar Libertador y seguir por el costado del hipódromo hasta el puente peatonal colgante y doblar a la izquierda contra el cerco de la vía.
Todas estas líneas te dejan a pocas cuadras, para mayor información consultar en comoviajo.com: 12, 15, 29, 36, 37, 39, 41, 55, 57, 59, 60, 64, 67, 68, 93, 95, 102, 108, 111, 118, 124, 128, 130, 152, 160, 161, 166, 188
ver mapas:
Espero que les haya interesado esta info y que se animen a visitar los bosques. saludos a todos!!