My beginnings as a transvestite

The rest of my story and photos at
I live in a permanent ambiguity. In public I'm an ordinary boy who studies and works. But in private... Christian, my lifelong friend, has turned me into a woman.
Then on one hand I feel the humiliation of my postponed masculinity, bent, submitted... And on the other I have flashes of intense pleasure and enjoyment when I dress up as a woman, and when my friend treats me like a real slut.
Christian worked for years on my will to achieve this result. He took advantage of my weak character, my insecurities, perhaps also my hidden desires.
He started with permanent praises to my body, praising that a boy doesn't usually do to another boy. I got many nerves when he praised my beauty, especially the shape of my Booty. Round, perfect, tempting. He said it was too beautiful to be male.
He would caress my Booty and I wouldn't say anything. He took it as a game. In some way I enjoyed it. It was my only friend, the one who had crossed the barrier of my shyness.
The first time he pressed his crotch against mine in my Booty I froze. I didn't know what to do, and Christian took my silence, my immobility, as a sign of approval. We were both wearing jeans and I could feel his hardness perfectly.
His presses became frequent, daily, every time we were alone at his house or mine. We never talked about it, but there was an implicit agreement. He would press his crotch against mine in my Booty and I would stay quiet, not saying anything.
As if following a plan he had drawn up, Christian continued advancing. He praised me, pressed himself against me, handled me, always treating me like a girl. I opposed weakly. His praises liked me, confused me.
Girls didn't pay attention to me. I was too shy, didn't know how to relate to them, my self-esteem was at rock bottom. Christian lifted it up. He made me feel important. I would take off my pants and he would masturbate looking at me and touching my booty. It was during that time that he asked me to wear women's underwear instead of men's boxers. He stole some from his sister, and I wore them when I went to his house. I started feeling a new and uneasy pleasure: the pleasure of wearing feminine clothes.

The underwear were followed by mini skirts, blouses, stockings, high-heeled shoes... and then makeup, and feminine manners. Always in secret, only for him.

Until it happened what I think was inevitable. I surrendered to him. He was inside me, and I behaved as I would have liked a woman to behave with me.

That's how Laura was born.

I skip several chapters that I'll tell or not, and arrive at the current situation. Christian and I are independent from our families, each living in their apartment, but we see each other frequently. And when we see each other, I am his friend. But also his woman, his slut, his slut... and he is my male.

During the day, I study, work, I'm a normal boy without friends, quiet and shy. Just as I arrive at my house and close the door, I become Laura. Whether or not he comes to see me, I enjoy wearing feminine clothes, making up, exploring that side of myself that I keep hidden during the day.

Sometimes Christian visits me and we just have dinner, talk, watch a movie. Like friends and friend.

When he tells me that no woman is capable of turning him on as much as I do, I get a chill. When I feel his long and thick member well inside me, I feel like that woman who can turn him on like no one else. And he is as masculine as I have never been or, I think, will ever be.

That's how my life goes. That's my secret. In public, a boy who passes unnoticed, ignored by everyone, who will never conquer a woman.

In intimacy, a feminine transvestite, sexy, seductive, and if necessary, very slutty for her man.

Sometimes I wonder what my life would have been like if I hadn't known Christian.

The rest of my story and photos in...
From gift, beautiful high school girl crossdresser riding her man

25 comentários - My beginnings as a transvestite

UAU...Me encantaron las fotos de tu blog! sos hermosa!
que interesante tu historia y que envidia para tu amigo tener una chica tan bella como tu
muy bueno tu relato, pero quiero ver fotos de esos encuentros y y mas fotos mostrando eso tan bueno que tenes, sos muy linda, lo vi en el blog, salu2 😉
Cuanto tenemos de común en nuestras historias ! Tu relato me llegó al corazón, tanto como si lo hubiera escrito yo. Te felicito por tu valentía. Te dejo 10, te los merecés.

Hermoso tu relato nena, somos todas tan parecidas y cada una con sus particularidades, vos con tu chico y yo con el mio, aunque el no me manejó, yo decidí convertirme en chica para él, para ser su hembra, en privado y llevo arrastrando ese secreto durante tantos años que ya me salieron callos en el alma.
Te dejo los 10 puntos y veo con alegria que ya serás NFU (me encanta desnovatear gente ❤️

My beginnings as a transvestite
Hermosa! Me gustaría encontrarme con vos, así me das unas clases
No sabes cuando me emocionó tu historia, me entendí mucho con tus pensamientos y escribes muy bien. Lei todo tu blog quisiera saber como sigues
Que suerte que tiene tu amigo, sos muy linda y el blog está barbaro, de nuevo que suerte que tiene
me gusta mucho tu relato, como lo cuentas, pero no puedo ver el vídeo.
Felicidades linda, eres admirable y bella. Preciosas fotografías. Suerte y éxito en tu vida...