Communauté de l'Ours

Communauté de l'Ours

The community of the bear in the worldIn 2006, one can say that the development of the bear community covered the entire globe. There are clubs and associations on all continents, with however a greater presence in North America and Europe, mainly in the UK and Germany.The bear community in FranceIn France, the bear movement is still in a development phase. The delay taken by France is due to several factors. However, if its full expansion is delayed, the establishment of a bear community in France is also as old as the gay movement. First developed at Paris through establishments called mec, oriented towards moustache, beard, and leather, we find a striking example with the opening of the Moustache café in Paris. The population of the time resembles Tom of Finland's drawings. The opening of Ours'Den in Paris in 1999 gave a definitive boost to the launch of the bear movement, outshining Une Voie and Moustache. Today, there is almost no major city in France without an establishment specifically for bears, but Ours'Den makes it the meeting point for all bears living or passing through Paris. But more than by gay establishments, it's associations that weave the social fabric of the movement. Even if there were many attempts, on Paris and then in the provinces, the movement has gradually strengthened. The first association is called Gays Nounours, its object being the promotion of fat gays and the use of the term nounours begins to show all the problematic issues between chubbys-(fat) and bears. This problematic issue is the origin of many conflicts and rivalries between associations, clubs, sites... There are attempts to unify the bear movement, but it still remains difficult to erase the stigmas of its past in the representation of French bears. Vers la fin des années 90 le mouvement s'amplifient with more precise associations in their objects and functioning. We find therefore Paris Nours, Ursus France, Ours France and also Ours Club France or again ToutOurs (ex Nantes Ours Club). The precursor in terms of highlighting the community Ours on the web is the site, created by a member of the community lamenting The absence of information about the 'movement' of ours on French web. It puts online various information that can be consulted by all bears in France, including isolated bears, who cannot keep up with the latest news on associations or manifestations unlike Parisian bears for whom the 'Ours'Den' is a place of information and rallying. The creation of this site, then associations, allows the development of the movement throughout France. The development on the web will be followed by MIF association with OursCentrerr all while prioritizing diversity, then by '' site for encounters, profiles, allowing among other things to inform about main upcoming manifestations as well as connected participants; Ursus also proposes a social network like Facebook. The site '' is still active and regularly updated. Since certain associations have disappeared or become less visible. Commercial meeting places, on the other hand, have experienced a great phase of expansion since the beginning of the 2000s and it is now rare to find a region without at least one bar or sauna Ours Amicale. Specialized sites list these locations offering 'ours' from province the possibility of knowing where to go. But the essential Ours French world still remains on the Internet. Many sites sell specialized articles or offer free or subscription-based encounter forums as the community has become an important element of gay business. In fact, internet contributes to a better visibility of the movement which by its number of members can only be a part of a more visible ensemble of gays. This said, the core of French Ours internet solidifies, organizes and finally implants itself durably in the gay landscape, and we are even starting to see appear Ours porn French, non-existent until then.Bear CultureVariable and multiple, like its definition. Such can be qualified as the Culture of the Bear. This is due to the multiplicity of its representatives. It is possible to derive large trends, more or less emphasized according to places and groups.

The emphasis on masculinity constitutes a fundamental aspect. Here too, elements vary, but a bear does not consider another as such unless it obeys certain criteria. A bear is generally not attracted by current fashion, which does not prevent him from having style or taste in clothing. He prefers frank and cutting colors, clothes that make him feel at ease. A bear only wears an outfit if he finds it practical and comfortable, tailored to materials like cotton, denim fabric, or wool. He favors the most musky fragrances for perfume and does not overuse toilet water.

The Bear also defines itself by its facial and bodily hair. It constitutes an additional element of his physical appearance. Shaving is therefore not encouraged.

There is no proper culture of music among the Bears. A bear can be quite eclectic and is not judged on the music he listens to or that which he dances to. However, one observes a return to the taste of the day for styles like Disco. The Catalan pop group Vanity Bear illustrated this on the Internet before separating. The British Bear Force One - Ours Vigor One regularly present clips offering a resolutely virile approach to boy bands from the 1990s. Pixie Herculon can also be mentioned, with his Bear Song, as well as humorous variations proposed by Tata Abba.

The cinema and press Bear only exist in their pornographic variants, for example with actor Jack Radcliffe. exception known to date is the film by Spanish director Miguel Albaladejo, Cachorro (Puppy, in French), which takes place in the Bear or a single bear who finds himself having to raise his 10-year-old nephew. Except for erotic-pornographic works, there is no specific Bear Culture in French literature. However, Pier Angelo Polver's novels, which narrate the daily life of a couple formed by an Admirer and a Bear, remain a notable exception. An artistic movement -sometimes referred to as Bear Art-, combining various sources of inspiration, has been developing and manifesting itself since the 2000s. In a great diversity of styles, photography, drawing, illustration, and painting, but also sculpture, are now well-present. For France, we can cite graphic artists, illustrators, and photographers such as Logan who draws inspiration from heroic fantasy, QaheraOurs with his group Desperate -French Bears-, Christophe Jannin who shows that non-standard characters in graphic arts can also be the subject of contemporary illustrations, Jordan Samper whose portraits are filled with luminous hues or still Mec Thomas, a portraitist with neo-classical techniques. To this non-exhaustive overview, we must add the increasingly visible work of a young generation particularly inspired by the culture of manga called bara -the ensemble of arts and fictions created by homosexuals for other homosexuals in which masculinity is emphasized- and which manifests itself mainly through creative social networks. For example, it is the case of the collective fanzine Dokkundont whose official launch is scheduled for July 2010. The rest of Europe also has a certain number of artists who work in Bear Art under all its forms: (Ourslutte) by example in Germany, the photographer of 'savage souls'... The main associative or meeting sites of the Bear community offer photo galleries allowing photographers to showcase their work: the man of the month of the MIF association, or the bear of the month of Ursusmag... The list of artists illustrating the Bear movement is in perpetual evolution. It testifies to a need to break free from the frames of a reductive vision of masculine homosexuality long defined through canons and criteria that did not recognize an entire category of men. It also shows the will to propose certain possible alternatives. Overall, the Bear Community is only mildly militant. It conserves relative discretion. In its daily life, the Bear does not automatically claim its homosexuality and manifests little during Pride Marches. If it marches in Gay Parades, it's often with other Bears. This trait explains in part the little interest that French gay media have in the Bear phenomenon which can be disorienting. This tendency is different elsewhere, in Europe or America. Indeed, countries like Germany or Spain, the United States or Canada are known to constitute areas where Bears enjoy privileged visibility, a situation whose roots may perhaps be found in local cultural habits.

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